press operations international

PRESS OPERATIONS INTERNATIONAL is a well established consultancy specialising in media facilities and services for large multi-sport events such as the Olympic and Commonwealth Games since 2001.
POI offers event organisers and cities bidding for large events a single source for planning all aspects of media services, especially those for the written and photographic press.
The wide range of consultant advice is designed to provide event organisers with the blueprint to set up a Media Operations department, plan the facilities, staffing and services needed for the event and to provide an operational oversight of the media services during the event itself.
The consultancy, formed after the highly successful Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, has access to a large number of event professionals who can bring specialised knowledge to every aspect of media operations.
The principals of Press Operations International have close working relationships with all the major international agencies and with most major news organizations around the world. Few media event companies can provide this breadth of multi-sport experience to your event.
PRESS OPERATIONS INTERNATIONAL offers expertise and advice in the following areas:
Planning, design and scoping of the Main Press Centre and venue media centres
The full operational plan and budget for Media Operations
Media Operations policies and procedures
Advice on management, team recruitment, remuneration and Games time staffing and training
Training requirements for paid and volunteer Media Operations staff
FF&E telecoms and technology requirements across MPC and all venue media centres
Press Rate Card "shop front" management and provision of agency rental space in the MPC
Scoping of the Games Information Service and advice on the choices between outsourcing or providing the news service "in house"
Management of non rights-holding broadcast media
World Press Meetings and international media liaison
Media publications requirements - editorial, layout, printing and distribution
Advice on media accreditation and accommodation
Planning of media transport for Press and Broadcast
Advice on meeting timelines and regular reporting/check off procedures
Liaison with city and state authorities on integrating their media activities with those of the Games organising committee
"POI offers event organisers and cities bidding for large events a single source for planning all aspects of media services. Our wide range of consultancy advice is designed to provide event organisers with the blueprint to set up a Media Operations Department and plan the services, facilities and staffing and provide operational oversight." (Australia Unlimited 2012 - published by Austrade, July 2012)