press operations international
Media Services

Media Transport
All organisers understand the importance of planning an efficient media transport system for use by both press and broadcasters. Press Operations International has long experience in the planning of media transport between airport, accommodation, Main Press Centre and venue media centres.
Press Operations International can also assist with the identification of media drop off points and dedicated pathways for media.
We can also assist with the compilation of media transport guides
Photo Operations
Photographers expect a high level of services and facilities. Press Operations International can assist with the design, planning and implementation of Photo Operations, including lighting and the location and number of press tribunes across all competition venues.
We have a database of top photo managers who have worked with us at major international sporting events over the past decade. Photographers at international events increasingly require complicated and up-to-date telecommunications to ensure the best and widest possible digital photo coverage of an event.
Rate Card Services
With the imajor international news agencies and other large news organisations needing to rent private office space at major events, the provision of high spreed broadband telecommunications as well as furniture and equipment through a Rate Card system has become a specialised aspect of Press Operations.
Press Operations International offers advice on media requirements for Rate Card items, their likely volumes and online systems for ordering and payment.
We have good contacts with international procurement specialists who can further advise on the sourcing of media Rate Card items.