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Media Services

International Media Relations

Increasingly, organising committees hosting world press meetings to provide detailed and up-to-date information to major accredited media prior to their event being held. 


Press Operations International is able to assist organising committees with their coordination, presentations, venue tours and written information.


IPress Operations International has built up strong personal relations with all the major international news agencies and news organisations around the world. 


We have an unequalled understanding of their needs and how organising committee services should be customised to their needs. 



Main Press Centre


The Main Press Centre at a major event is the major workplace of the written and photographic press. As such, it sets the tone for the media facilities and services provided.


An organising committee needs to make an accurate assessment of the telecommunications services and Information Technology required in the Main Press Centre and good planning is necessary to ensure the best possible layout of the various spatial components.


Press Operations International offers assistance with identifying the space required, assessing the services provided and drawing up the detailed layout of lobby, help desks, workrooms, press conference areas, catering and photographic services. CAD services are also available for scale drawings of the MPC.

Media Guides


There is an increasing need both prior to and during the event for up to date media guides and publications. In a major international event, these publications include accommodation, accreditation, freight and rate card guides as well as the general media information about event planning and the event itself.


Press Operations International can advise on necessary publications and assist with the writing and editorial content. The design, layout and content of these publications are judged critically by the international media as setting the tone and professionalism of the event. Getting them right is a head start to a successful media operation.

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